Blog Post

Build vs. Buy: Key Considerations for Elevating Your MMM Program

analytic partners
analytic partners 08.22.2024

Are the best solutions bought, or built?

Every organization looking to elevate their MMM program to a Commercial Analytics solution will grapple with this question at some point.

While there are many considerations that factor into making this important decision – and no single choice that is best for every organization – there are a few universal questions that all decision-makers should consider early on.

The graphic below summarizes the pros and cons of building versus buying a solution. 

Read the full whitepaper for a more in-depth analysis, including:

  • 14 key questions to understand your organization’s needs around technology, data and expertise. 
  • A visual overview of how to identify the true costs, effort, commitment, trade-offs and risks of building or buying a Commercial Analytics solution.

Want to learn more about elevating your MMM program to a Commercial Analytics solution?

Get in touch