Customer Story

Relieving the data pain: How ADAPTA accelerated speed to insights, uncovering $30M in potential revenue

ADAPTA Customer Story

Data management is a common adoption challenge for brands and often slows down the overall measurement and optimization process. For a global fashion retailer, this included manual data collection, scattered and inconsistent data across teams and platforms and misalignment of ownership and validation. These issues led to lack of trust and adoption of the insights.


The global fashion retailer faced several challenges around data collection with its previous measurement providers. It would take over three months to collect necessary data. In addition, the manual process and scattered data delayed insights delivery, which reduced marketing’s ability to highlight performance results or make timely decisions. These lagged and inconsistent insights also created internal barriers and resistance to measurement results, making it difficult to gain buy-in from the multiple teams involved.


ADAPTA | Change Management

Analytic Partners’ ADAPTA provided the necessary data ingestion, validation and management solution within the GPS Enterprise platform to support the global fashion retailer’s Commercial Analytics program. ADAPTA consolidated data from numerous online and offline sources, then assessed, scored and cleansed it for analytic readiness. The customer and third-party agencies were engaged and trained on ADAPTA early on to start validating data and drive common outcomes. Customized data checklists were created to match the client's unique business KPIs and drivers. Furthermore, direct integration through Analytic Partners’ data partnerships and standardized formats reduced data collection efforts. These improvements in data management resulted in delivering optimizations faster than before.


As a result, the global fashion retailer decreased data collection and ingestion from three months to three weeks, leading to more effective and timely decision-making on scaling media spend while also enabling transparency, trust and ownership across agencies and internal stakeholders. The increased speed to insights had an immediate impact on their plans, as it uncovered $30M in potential revenue that would otherwise have been lost if they did not have these results in time to impact planning decisions. In addition, the established data strategy roadmap will continue to drive efficiencies in the data collection process and add depth and robustness for deeper insights and actionability.