ROI Genome

For over two decades, Analytic Partners has collected vast quantities of marketing intelligence across more than 750 brands, 45 countries, and hundreds of billions in spend across industries. ROI Genome presents that intelligence to help marketers understand the tactics, channels, and strategies that drive ROI and performance.

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Unlock the Full Potential of Retail Media

The Gravitational Pull of Retail Media

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ROI Genome Flash Brand Sponsorship Featured Image

Brand Sponsorships: Vanity Play or Untapped Opportunity?

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ROI Genome Flash CTV 2024

Time to Double-Down on Connected TV Advertising

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ROI Genome Omnichannel Report

Digital Marketing Is Good. Digital Alone Is Bad

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Data doesn't lie, but your ROI metrics can mislead you ROI Genome Flash Report

Data Doesn’t Lie, but Your Marketing Metrics Can Mislead You

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Marketers Guide to Survive

The Marketer’s Guide To Survive

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Watch the video – How to Thrive in the Brave New World of Omnichannel

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Competitive swimmers in pool swimming

Brand Marketing Drives Sales, ROI and Even Performance Campaigns. Don’t Cut It!

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Remote pointed at CTV

How Brands Are Missing Out on an Improved 30% ROI for Their Advertising Spend

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ROI Genome Intelligence Report – The Rules of Recession-Proofing: How to Maintain Advertising Effectiveness in Challenging Times

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Roi Genome Targeting Works Except When it Doesn't

ROI Genome Intelligence Report: Targeting Works, Except When It Doesn’t

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ROI Genome Intelligence Report: The Advertising Evolution

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ROI Genome Report Uncovering Growth Opportunities

ROI Genome Intelligence Report: Uncovering Growth Opportunities

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Phone with Face ID up interacting with a credit card terminal

Are Consumer Behavior Changes Here to Stay?

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ROI Genome Report: Omnichannel and a Brave New World

ROI Genome Report: Omnichannel and a Brave New World

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ROI Genome Report: Insights to Accelerate Growth

ROI Genome Report: Insights to Accelerate Growth

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Family gathered playing with soccer ball

ROI Genome Report: Future-Proof Your Brand: Marketing Through Crisis and Beyond

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Person on laptop working

ROI Genome Report: Staying Ahead of Emerging Media

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Family on sofa

ROI Genome Report: The New Omnichannel Marketing

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People looking at data charts

ROI Genome Marketing Intelligence Report: 2018 Compilation

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Group gathered around laptop in discussion

ROI Genome Report: Have Promotions Lost Their Punch?

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Crowd standing

Reach-Based Planning is not Enough

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Family in the supermarket with child pointing at vegetables

ROI Genome Report: The Value of an Impression

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balancing rocks

Are All Impressions Created Equal?

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ROI Genome Report 2018 volume 1 paid search intelligence

Report: What Drives Search ROI?

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ROI Genome Report 2018 volume 1 paid search intelligence

ROI Genome Report: Paid Search Intelligence

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Family gathered cooking food

Halo Effects in Portfolio Advertising Report

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Group meeting around table

ROI Genome: Marketing Intelligence Report 2017

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