
Turn Challenges into Opportunities: The Power of Trendspotting in Data and Analytics

Given the pace of change in today’s environment, business dynamics are moving at warp speed – and trends in data and analytics are keeping up. Under such circumstances, business leaders should be thinking about trends as more than just a flash-in-the-pan. Rather, the new trends emerging in 2022 and beyond can be a useful tool in futureproofing against a multitude of potential scenarios and uncovering new opportunities where others may see challenges.


As a recent Gartner® report noted, “Top trends in data and analytics technology and practices can help anticipate change and transform uncertainty into opportunity. Data and analytics leaders must factor these trends into key investments that drive new growth, efficiency, resilience and innovation.”1 The report goes on to detail areas of opportunity and recommendations for organizations looking to make the most out of their data and analytics programs.


Among top recommendations, the report notes that data and analytics leaders should “Improve situational awareness to rapidly adjust to disruption and uncertainty by prioritizing investment in data and analytics diversity and dynamism […]”, “Drive new sources of innovation and value for stakeholders by implementing context-driven and domain-relevant analytics […]” and “Institutionalize trust to achieve pervasive adoption and value at scale […]”.


Uncovering Opportunities in the Real World

The continued evolution of a data and analytics program is critical to any data-driven organization, and within that program, a holistic view of the business is key. But how can organizations master that view?

At Analytic Partners, we’ve created a holistic measurement framework built on a foundation of Commercial Mix Analytics (CMA) that is capable of addressing the overall business, providing a way out of siloed decision-making and transforming cross-functional work by offering a single source of truth.

By being adaptive, CMA can incorporate multiple dimensions tailored towards key decisions, fostering organizational adoption while simultaneously future-proofing decisioning by offering the ability to evolve the measurement program based on changing needs. Evolution is a key piece for every organization looking to turn challenges into opportunities – the business ecosystem will continue to change, it is simply a question of embracing the innovations needed to thrive.


Putting Trends into Practice

Curious to learn more about how the top trends in data and analytics can empower you to find new opportunities? Access a copy of the report from Gartner here.


1 Gartner, Top Trends in Data and Analytics 2022, by Analyst(s): Rita Sallam, Ted Friedman, Erick Brethenoux, Donald Feinberg, Soyeb Barot, Lydia Clougherty Jones, Malcolm Hawker, Eric Hunter, Jason Medd, Robert Thanaraj, Melody Chien, Mark Beyer, Ehtisham Zaidi, Mayank Talwar, Pieter den Hamer, W. Roy Schulte, Paul DeBeasi, David Pidsley, Sumit Pal, Joe Maguire, Yefim Natis, Shaurya Rana, Guido De Simoni, Afraz Jaffri, Alan D. Duncan, Julian Sun, Gareth Herschel, Avivah Litan, Bart Willemsen, Svetlana Sicular, Farhan Choudhary, Sumit Agarwal, Mike Fang, Adam Ronthal, Andrew White, Carlie Idoine, Jorgen Heizenberg, Peter Krensky, Sally Parker, March 11, 2022


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Top Trends in Data and Analytics, 2022: A Gartner® Report

Read The Report