Watch the video – How to Thrive in the Brave New World of Omnichannel
Under the current conditions, consumers have never been more connected, and they have never been more in need of that connection as working from home, online ordering and even online education continue to trend upward in 2020.
In order to truly understand this omnichannel world, business leaders need to think, plan and measure holistically. Join SVP Mike Menkes for this recording of our ROI Genome webinar, “How to Thrive in the Brave New World of Omnichannel”.
Watch the Webinar

The webinar will take a deep dive into insights covered in the latest ROI Genome report, including answering questions like:
How do in-store experiences impact online shopping?
What macro factors have impacted and will continue to impact online/offline relationships?
How does paid search within and beyond ecommerce sites impact foot traffic and sales at real world retailers?
Most importantly, how can leaders adapt and evolve strategies in this changing world in order to thrive?
Discover how you can maximize the value of analytics to drive growth and strengthen customer relationships.